Latest Episodes
Ep. 37 - Lawrence Morny, Ghana
Lawrence talks about growing up in Ghana and his move to the US. This interview was conducted by Andy, Max & Mya from Winchester...
Ep. 36 - Oksana Stalczynski, Russia
Oksana talks about growing up in Russia and her move to the US. This interview was conducted by Talia, Julia & Eddie from Winchester...
Ep. 35 - Vladimir Mollov, Bulgaria
Vladimir Mollow talks about growing up in Bulgaria and his move to the US. This interview was conducted by Arya, Clara, Greer and Thomas...
Ep. 33 - Hilda Pang Fu, Hong Kong
Hilda Pang Fu talks about growing up in Hong Kong and her move to the US. This interview was conducted by Octavia, Owen and...
Ep. 32 - Arielle Sagbohan, Benin
Arielle Sagbohan talks about growing up in Benin and her move to the US. This interview was conducted by Caleb, Rachel and Joe from...
Ep. 31 - Andrew James, Republic of Trinidad
Andrew James talks about growing up in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and his move to the US. This interview was conducted by...